Vaginal Discharge Treatment in Punjab
Star Hospital provides the best vaginal discharge treatment in Punjab. In our Hospital, you find all types of services with the help of their experienced doctors and treatment with a friendly nature. Their service is very hygienic and the environment of the hospital is very good. You ask any type of question without any kind of hesitation.
Vaginal discharge is very commonly found in the early age of reproductive women. It comes out in different colours but commonly it is seen as white or fluidish colour. Vaginal discharge is seen as common but it mostly depends on the amount of liquid. If you notice their fluid comes with a smell it means it has an infection in it because vaginal discharge is not having a smelly discharge.
Is it normal for Vaginal discharge?
If you find out about normal vaginal discharge then this liquid will be clear or white. It mainly depends on the quality and quantity of discharge the amount of thickness and color or smelly discharge. The pregnancy discharge may be seen as different. In younger age girls it seen as different from adult women.
1. Texture
2. Color
3. Smell
4. Quantity
Types of Vaginal Discharge
1. Yellow, Grey or Green
2. Brown or Red
3. Clear or white
Contact our medical consultant or professional if you see a different color odor or find any type of fishy vaginal odor, burning, or itching. When your vaginal discharge color has been changed you may feel itchy around your vagina when it’s opening. These changes happen before your menstrual cycle happens or after your periods.
If your vaginal discharge is seen as yellow, grey, or green in color then it means you do a lot of sexual activities or it has any kind of bacterial infection. Then secondly if your vaginal discharge is brown or red in color then it has an irregular menstrual cycle or uneven periods but if you have this kind of red or brown discharge then this is a clear indication of infection you may consult your doctor immediately. If we talked about the clear or white discharge then this involves normal discharge but if it feels thicker than normally you have then this clearly called a Yeast infection discharge.
1. Yeast infection
2. Irritation
3. Itchiness
4. Rashes
5. Feel pain when you pee
6. Bacterial infection
7. Hormonal changes
8. Cervical issue
1. Cleaning
2. Protection
3. Lubrication
4. Wash properly
Your vagina has bacterial properties it has cleaned itself and takes good healthcare which you may be not providing at any time so don’t use market products at all.
- Avoiding the regular use of perfumed soaps, wipes, or other steroid products.
- Don’t deeply wash your vagina.
- Don’t wear underwear for long periods of time.
- Wiping your vagina every time when you go to pee.
- Avoid taking too many birth control pills.
- Avoid having sex without protection for too many times or multiple partners.
White Discharge During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, you may feel a lot of different kinds of emotions but if discharge happens in white, thin, or milky color then this considers a normal discharge because it keeps your vagina clean or healthy. It keeps moist and clean it helps to fight against infection.
For any information regarding this, you can consult us at any moment.